Busy weekend for Haddington Runners

Pre-race Full-Flingers

Pre-race Full-Flingers

Members of both the Running Club and Jog Scotland were out in force again at the weekend with for some, it being the biggest weekend of their year.

Adrian Dingwall, Mike Hoppe, Callum MacDonald, Martin MacDonald, Paddy McDonald, Graham McInnes, Norrie McKinley, Lesely Nichol, Neil Scott and Martin Wood set off in the wee hours of Saturday morning to take part in the Hoka Highland Fling.  They were joined by Supporters Karen McKinley and the evergreen George Armstrong who took charge of Norrie’s “sports van” from Milvagie.

There were three Haddington runners doing the “full-fling” and seven forming two relay teams of four, “The Haddington Goats” and “Graham’s Grunters” with the eighth member being Colin Elder (Carnethy).  The runners travelled and met with other full-flinger friends James Addie, Lee Curtis, Andrew Sheldrick and Nick Williamson (Dunbar).

Everyone had fantastic time and to prove it Lesley and Martin didn’t stop at the end of their relay stages and kept running all the way to Tyndrum!

Full-Flinger Results

NameCatClubChipPosDrymen 12.6 miRowardennan 27.2 miBeinglas 40.9miTyndrum 53mi
Nick WilliamsonDunbar2101:36:3603:54:1206:26:5508:36:10
Stage time01:36:3602:17:3602:32:4302:09:15
James AddieDunbar7601:36:4603:58:3906:54:4109:25:30
Stage time01:36:4602:21:5302:56:0202:30:49
Andrew Sheldrick40Dunbar24101:46:0504:34:1408:00:2110:58:36
Stage time01:46:0502:48:0903:26:0702:58:15
Adrian Dingwall40Haddington24501:58:5404:57:0408:22:4211:00:57
Stage time01:58:5402:58:1003:25:3802:38:15
Lee Curtis40Dunbar42302:00:4205:01:2209:11:1112:25:42
Stage time02:00:4203:00:4004:09:4903:14:31
Norrie Mckinley40Haddington44701:58:5105:02:4909:11:1012:35:08
Stage time01:58:5103:03:5804:08:2103:23:58
Paddy Mcdonald60+Haddington53002:19:2205:59:4510:13:0113:29:03
Stage time02:19:2203:40:2304:13:1603:16:02

Unleaded-Flinger Results

NameCatChipPosDrymen 12.6 miRowardennan 14.6/27.2 miBeinglas 13.7/40.9miTyndrum 12.1/53mi
The Haddington GoatsM1201:57:5904:35:0507:24:0209:12:08
Stage time01:57:5902:37:0602:48:5701:48:06
Graham's GruntersX2001:58:0304:23:0407:24:5009:32:18
Stage time01:58:0302:25:0103:01:4602:07:28

Sunday saw more action. Kelly McInnes, Malcolm Quinn and Jeremy Roebuck competed in The Virgin Money London Marathon. Kelly and Jeremy were hoping to try and meet up with each other before the race but alas this wasn’t to be due to the huge scale of this event. We waited with baited breath to hear how our HRC members faired and the news eventually filtered through that all had done extremely well.  Kelly achieved yet another PB. Ex-club member, Callum Reid produced another superb performance and runners from Dunbar and Musselburgh also did well.

Read a full race report from Jeremy here

London Results

Callum Reid18-39Edinburgh AC40302:43:11
Brian Davidson45-49Dunbar497603:23:56
Jamie Thomas18-39Dunbar538803:26:15
Mike Malcolm-Smith45-49Musselburgh583103:28:17
Jennifer Goldie18-39Dunbar970103:45:59
Jeremy Roebuck55-59Haddington1673604:11:20
Malcolm Quinn55-59Haddington2084004:26:43
Colin Gourlay40-44Musselburgh2780404:55:45

There was even more happening on Sunday with more Haddington runners competing in the Winton 10k – waiting for results!